Y E N  Y E N - J U I
            L A I

The Third Window

book, acrylic, and marker.
13 x 19 cm

There is also a desire in my mind to create something, and to tell stories.

The desire finally became bigger than my confort zone in 2014, and I decided to leave my island. I remember when I first came to Brooklyn, I asked for a studio with three windows and a lot of sunlight. We need to understand, you cannot get everything you want in life. My studio has a big wall with two windows, but is missing one.

The first thing I did in New York was to build a missing window for my studio. Since religion has an impression of brightness and energy, like a sun in my imagination; I found a Christian choral book in an old bookstore, and made it into a window.

copyright @  賴 妍 叡  yen yen-jui lai: all rights reserved